I had a good weekend


Hey guys,

How are you doing? Hope your week has started off good. Mine has. I am totally loving work. Absolutely. Thank God. so yes, I had a really good weekend and I I’ll just give you a summary of how each day went. But before I do this, I wanna say thank you to all of you guys for ensuring I had a lovely birthday. Thank you and God bless you richly!!! xoxo


At about 5pm or so, my colleague randomly informed me of a group that was meeting later that evening somewhere in VI and invited me to join them. I was reluctant at first and then he went into details of how they are involved with Charity work and I bought what he was selling. Ever heard of ‘This is How We Do’ or ‘Soup Kitchen’ or ‘Bake for Change’? Yea, they are the people behind these initiatives.

I was not really up for going out that evening as I was pretty inappropriately dressed (Fridays are supposed to be dress down days but yours truly went to work in my full legal regalia of white and black). By the time the day was over, I had a small stain on my sleeves and I just wanted to get out of the white shirt but boy, I’m really glad I did. Aside of the really great reason behind us meeting (Charity work), it was also good seeing other like-minded young people who took out time on a Friday evening to talk about helping others. It was really good indeed! I’m really looking forward to getting more involved and getting more people involved as well.


I was home chilling, cooking, taking mom to the tailor’s and just generally having a very relaxed day.


I went to my parents’ church, which turned out better than I thought (I dread going there and I shall give you gist about this later). I went home, changed and met up with a friend. Later in the afternoon, I was on my way to Astroturf to watch my Law firm do great damage to and destroy the morale of their opponent in a 3-1 victory. It was actually 4-1 but a goal was disqualified because in a 5 man team game, headers are not allowed :S.

As soon as our game was over, I drove off to Eko Hotel to see a play called ‘Love is’. I totally enjoyed it! Nikki Laoye, Zizi Cardow, Yinka Davies and Timi Dakolo were all part of the cast. It was a dance drama which was so moving. Basically, it was a journey through people in the search of the meaning of love. After much wondering, pondering, toiling, searching, the conclusion was found in 1 Corinthians 13 and the play ended with these words…God is love; Love is God. I especially loved the fact that it was not your typically Christiany play yet, it came to such a conclusion in the most profound manner.

Yup, I had a good weekend!

That’s all folks (for now)


And another one: Birthday Post!


Hello people,

It’s another 20th day of February and yes, it is my birthday!!! Woohoo!!!

I’m thankful for the love of God, my family, my true friends and all of you, mwah! God bless you all. I am very grateful to God for His mercies from my last birthday till today. He has been faithful. A lot has happened and through it all, I am standing, by His grace!

This is my best song in the world. It summarises who I am and I’d like to have it played/sung at every important occasion in my life (even the one that I will have no control over).

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev’ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.

I also like to thank my parents each birthday for their love and for bringing me up. I have been such an expensive child to raise, lol. Love you mom and dad.

Loads of love,


NYSC: Done and Dusted!


I just want to say Baba o Esheeeeeeeeeee!!!

Thank You Jesus!!!

I’m so happy. I’m so grateful to God! Today, I officially passed out of the NYSC Scheme! I really thank God for seeing me through from moving back home to registering for NYSC to starting the program. I use this moment to remember those who fell on the journey from bomb blasts to election brouhaha to personal issues. I pray God will comfort their families.

I thank God for my friends, my colleagues and every Batch A 2011 corps member. I don’t know about y’all but it wasn’t an easy journey. From the drama in Abuja during registration, to the never ending queues on camp, to CD day sun bathing to Final Clearance ordeal, hmm, it was indeed service to my nation. But through it all, I have had a Father, the King of kings, Ancient of Days, Almighty I Am that I Am who has stood by me. I worship Him indeed.

Thanks to all my amazing friends and colleagues who made working so much fun. Thanks to my bosses who built me up in more ways than I can mention. Thanks to my parents who have been my rock through it all. Thanks to my brothers who never turned their backs on me. Thanks to my dearest friend who helped me in too many ways for me to describe on here. Thanks to my guardians who have shown me what love means. Thanks to MCLA readers: you mean so much to me. Thanks to everyone! I really am overwhelmed right now as I type so I’ll just stop it.

Remember the post where I told you guys my brother was annoyingly asking me what next? Well, in a way, he gave me the necessary push I needed. Lemme offer a bit of background: You see, when I was moving back to Nigeria, I was thinking that employers will literally be lining up at Murtala waiting for me and fighting over me once I landed, lol. I thought getting a great job would be a breeze. So when during NYSC, after so many applications, I wasn’t getting the kind of responses I wanted, I was shocked. I mean, I had the qualifications so I had no idea why I was finding it tough to secure employment. I didn’t want to wait a day after NYSC to get a job so it really was getting to me as NYSC drew closer to an end. This is what inspired this post https://temiville.wordpress.com/2012/01/19/are-you-sure-youre-applying-hard-enough/

Anyways, after writing that post, I took some time to ask God what EXACTLY He had in mind for me and there and then, I got my answer: LAW. So I wrote a strong cover letter, reviewed my CV and googled ‘5 best law firms in Nigeria’. I got my top five and sent an email to all of them. To the glory of God, I got responses from all. I narrowed my choices to the best two and was able to secure a pre-Law School appointment with them both and I have started already. God great God!

One lesson is this: when you are walking according to God’s plans, a certain ease is attached thereto. He knows how to sort everything out. It got to a  point where I would not just apply online but drive round and physically hand out my CVs to companies. But when God showed up or rather, when I discovered His will, doors opened of their own accord. So thank God for me. I actually had to take the day off to go for Passing Out Parade today. Thank You Lord.

I pray for everyone who passed out today that God will sort us all out by His grace! He will give you all reasons to testify! Amen.

Here is a picture of my and my certificate. My hair is a right mess so I had to blur it a bit sowwy:

God bless you all.

Temiville (former Ajuwaya)xoxo

Yet another Friday…


Hey guys,

How are you all doing? This muser has experienced something overwhelming in the last few weeks. The last blog post generated so many views and comments and has even inspired a few rejoinders on Blogsville. Thank guys!!! I read some really interesting comments such as:


Personally, I think we ladies miss the point. Just as Folu here has totally MISSED the point. Why does it have to be one or the other? Ehn tell me. Why does it have to be either he is ugly, short and rich or he is fine, tall and poor? Why does it have to be unattractive, boring and godly or hot, fun to be with and cheating? Some people, my dear Folu, have it all. Well, maybe not all but all the basic things they need which hun, include that mushiness, heart skipping beats and everyother thing you like about Tayo.

Babes, you ‘ve set your wedding date but I strongly urge you to postpone it. If not, I’m not cursing you oh, but you will end up CHEATING ON TAYO and running off to be with either Bode himself or his kind whenever the boredom and lack of excitement is getting to you.

A FUN DUDE…who’s pissed off:OMG!!! What the “latte” is this? She picked a boring dude? because the FUN dude wouldn’t return her calls? Maybe she’s ugly and scarred; maybe she’s BORING herself; maybe she FAT; maybe her thinking rivals a child with down’s syndrome…

Moby Sugar says: This one get as e be oh! I understand wanting a man after God, peace of mind and the rest. But what happens to compatibility, friendship, excitement and all that?

Bee A disagrees and says, ‘I actually don’t think she settled. I think she got the better deal…..he doesn’t have to make her heart skip a beat for him to be the one…the more you interact, the more the attraction will grow I think’. It is a very complex situation to be in. But what ‘uncomplicates’ matters is that sense of assurance that you heard God right.

The debate still goes on and the comments keep coming. Please drop a line on your thoughts if you haven’t done so already.


Personally, I need to feel LOVE. Like smack/bang/ in your face/goose bumps when you approach me kinda lovey dovey feeling. It just needs to be there but it is not the major consideration. Anything other than that, I will feel like I have settled and I don’t think God wants us to be settling in life. But I guess Folu understands her own priorities so I can’t over-establish my opinion here.  One thing is for sure, pity will wear off eventually and irritation will set in so never base a lifelong decision on pity. I have more to say on the issue and will do so shortly.

Yesterday was a very interesting day for me! This corper finally has no need to go to Eti Osa 1 again!!! Woohoo!!! It was Day 2 in my Final Clearance ordeal which started on Tuesday.  I have stopped working at my POP and had to rush there from where I am now to pick up my final discharge letter. I got the letter and glanced through hurriedly. They said nice things about me, thankfully.

The queues at Eti Osa 1 LG were an absolute nightmare. There were three queues: one for Aunty R to clear your CD card, another for Mrs. A to arrange your file and staple stuff together and then the last for the ZI to clear you properly.

The Aunty R queue went so peacefully. I paid up my gbese of N1800.00 and then went to join the Mrs A queue. As I walked there, I was like ‘wow, this is amazing!, no queue?’ It was then I was promptly cautioned that we put our names on a list, get a number and then you get called. Shoot! I was Number 194 or so and they were still on Number 90. So I went to the photocopying place opposite the LG to make copies of my now cleared CD card.

As I was about to get my document copied, a corper came and started begging that I should allow him make his copies first. I said ‘why?’. He said because he still had to go to Mrs A. I’m like dude we all have to go to Mrs A. Anyway, I gave him my spot and forgot all about it then proceeded to wait my turn in the Mrs A queue under the hot sun. By this time, they were on Number 101. Out of the blue, about 20 minutes after, the guy who took my photocopying slot told me to take his place in the queue and guess what? He was Number 113. I was elated! I said to him ‘are you sure?’ but I don’t think I waited for his response. Lol! I rushed there before he changed his mind. I then glanced around and couldn’t find him anymore. I think he had to rush off somewhere…

Moral of my tale: Give and it will come back to you. Be nice and people will be nice to you. Be generous and you will know no lack. Sometimes things happen for a reason. The speed with which I cleared was alarming to all around me. I left many people I met there behind. The guy I thought was depriving of 2 minutes ended up giving me 2 hours’ worth of time!

On another note, I have decided to focus on Law. I prayed about everything and decided to nurture the passion I have for the discipline. Thank God for direction. Doors have begun to open to me since I made this decision and I am so sure I’m operating in His will and His grace will see me through.

My lovely semi-touch screen/semi key pad BB got stolen over the weekend and that felt absolutely terrible! I am still hurting from the experience, lol. Life without BBM/ instant twitter/push email is lonely. Only very few people have noticed and asked after me by calling. Most people just don’t notice. I guess my regular updates and picture changes used to get me the messages I got. Anyway it’s all good. I’m so tempted not to replace my BB by my birthday just to see whether people will bother calling, hehehe.

Enough of this!

Have a lovely weekend all.


PS: http://www.temiville.com is in the works and almost ready for launch.